Thursday, June 14, 2012

Juss Russ Update.

Alright so I just got to do an update over Juss Russ...

The more I listen to him, the more I am crazy over his music! I really can't explain it, but I'm just really into him.

His music isn't just rap... Mislabel or something. His music is real. Really real.

The lyrics are enticing, and vibrant, and lively. They're real and a turn on to be honest.

I just wanted to give my updated opinion, because he deserves that.

Please go listen! If you like rap, you will LOVE him. I promise!

For a look at the old post, and to see the networks to follow or like Juss Russ, click here.

I know this is a short post for today, but still.. plus I'm running short on some bands! Ha! But have no fear, I'll find some (: If you are a band, and want to be covered, just send me an email, or hit me up on Facebook.

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